shopping malls

Drives pedestrianism, revitalizes vacant areas, boosts
sales plus public relations and affinity to your location

lifestyle centers

Creates dynamic family engagement, while complementing the class and culture that is the “lifestyle center”

community centers

With an expansive line of advanced amenities, Lifestyle Attractions is your one stop source for turnkey, structural entertainment solutions


bring the stories of the
scriptures to life in the
engaging and compelling
way that only an Action
Zone can.


Take interaction with zoology and wildlife
to the next level, with
life-like animal replicas


Action Zones are a growing
trend and an integral
component of your airport’s
modernization and consumer
engagement development

health care

Aquariums and soft play, with a
focus on S.T.E.A.M. Education, breathe
life and soul into the technicality
and pain of therapy and healing…
plus it’s microbial safe